
Showing posts from August, 2022

How Much Do Endoscopy And Colonoscopy Cost In Singapore

Looking for a colonoscopy in Singapore? Look no further than Arden Jr Surgery! Our experienced surgeons are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care. We offer a wide range of surgical procedures, including colonoscopies, to ensure that you receive the treatment you need. Find  best colonoscopy cost in singapore Contact us today to schedule an appointment! For more info visit us at:

How Much Do Endoscopy And Colonoscopy Cost In Singapore? Find Out The Average Cost Of These Procedures

  Endoscopy and colonoscopy are two of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in Singapore. The exact cost of endoscopy in singapore depends on a number of factors, including the type of procedure, hospital, surgeon, and equipment. However, when it comes to cost, endoscopy and colonoscopy both tend to be expensive. The average cost of these two procedures in Singapore is around $1,200. With the rising costs of housing and meals out combined with the anticipated rise in healthcare expenses for baby boomers, we may see more patients willing to look into alternatives before undergoing major surgery. In this article, we answer common questions about endoscopy and colonoscopy so that you know what to expect before, during, and after your procedure. What is endoscopy? Endoscopy is a way of seeing inside the body by using a camera and a large endoscope. It is often combined with colonoscopy, which is a type of fine-needle aspiration (FNA) scan, in order to monitor t...

Do You Have a Hernia? Get Expert Help to Find the Best Treatment

  Hernias can be either internal or external. An external hernia is where the buildup of gases, such as air, falls out of a hole that forms in the wall of your abdomen (pelvic cavity). When this happens, it’s called an inguinal hernia. Internal hernias don’t form from outside in but are defects that form from within out. A hinged hernia is a type of internal hernia where part of the intestine sticks through something else like a bone or the opening of an organ. The other parts of the intestine should be able to pass through. This type of hernia is known as an inguinal hernia and it’s usually harmless and not painful. However, it might also be embarrassing because some people have large internal herniations. You can get treated by  hernia surgery Singapore one. What Causes Hernias? Hernias are defects that form inside a body part. If one part of your body has a hernia, other parts of your anatomy can usually pass through it. There are many different causes of hern...